Online signing made easy


An electronic signature solution!



I got my first client and needed them to sign my contract to get started with designing their website. 
I knew that it would be a hassle to get them to sign and email me back the agreement as I knew my client was not a digital native. I started to search online for a quick and easy way to sign a document online. I came across SignRequest and was amazed at how user-friendly it was and most of all it was for free. 
In the meantime I have a paid subscription as I use a template with my logo on it, to send out to my clients. 

SignRequest is very user-friendly and most of all a secure solution. So far none of my clients had any trouble signing the document and it saves me a lot of time - so that I can get started with designing their online presence!

Last but not least I can store all my signed quotes in one place and never lose them. 
It sure is a nice way to do business  -  FAST, EASY and not to forget we are helping our environment by not printing the contracts.

I can highly recommend this online signature software to any business owner! Happy to help if you need any help setting up SignRequest in your business or automate your contract workflows - feel free to contact me


Lucy Fritsche

I'm a professional marketer and specialize in web design, social media, and online marketing. Further, I help launch businesses and manage projects and products.

My passion is it to help you stand out from the rest of the online crowd. It excites me to come up with ideas and solutions, that bring your business to the next level.